Thursday, May 12

Your Xanga Subscription Digest

Daily Update from Your Subscriptions!
Date: Wednesday, May 11, 2011
Username: ira27snider

Latest Updates from TheXangaTeam
If You Like It, "Like" It!

Now you can "Like" individual weblog entries so that they get shared through your Facebook feeds!

It's an easy way to show somebody you appreciate their posts and, unlike "recommending", it can help that person get new visitors from beyond the Xanga kingdom.

If you'd rather keep your Xanga moat full of Facebook-hating alligators, though, you can easily disable this new feature. Moreover, as part of this roll we've disabled the "Share" and "Like" buttons on the Meebo toolbar, so now you have even more control over your castle defenses.

Hope you like!

Posted 5/11/2011 at 3:11 PM - 28 eprops - 13 comments

Latest Updates from featuredquestions
When you're going through a tough time or need someone to talk to, who do you turn to and why?
submitted by featuredquestions
view answers - answer it!
Posted 5/11/2011 at 6:04 PM

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