Wednesday, March 3

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Date: Tuesday, March 02, 2010
Username: ira27snider

Latest Updates from featuredquestions
Would you ever get a tattoo? If you have one, where is it and what's the story behind it?
submitted by featuredquestions
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Posted 3/2/2010 at 2:19 PM

Latest Updates from featuredweblogs
girl scout cookies galore!
i love girl scout cookies. so naturally, when i got a phone call from my eager little girl scout neighbor, i bought a few boxes.


then, i got to school and lo and behold, there are girl scout cookie deliveries galore. i still hadn't gotten my first order of cookies, so i ordered some more.... not going to end well. More Here...
Posted 3/2/2010 at 1:35 AM - add eprops - add comments

Family Guy and Down Syndrome Character

Okay, I admit, most days I live under a rock. I don't watch "Family Guy" anyway, so not watching the episode (two Sundays ago) where apparently there was a character with Down syndrome that poked fun at Sarah Palin, wasn't much of a stretch for me.

Now, as most of you know, I am not the mom running around demanding that you all bow down to my daughter and pity her based on her diagnosis of Down syndrome. More Here...
Posted 3/2/2010 at 2:05 AM - add eprops - add comments

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