Thursday, March 18

Your Xanga Subscription Digest

Daily Update from Your Subscriptions!
Date: Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Username: ira27snider

Latest Updates from TheXangaTeam
Site-Level Search is Here!
Now you can search within specific blogs on Xanga!

I just used it to find a reaaaaally old post from my own site - these were serious times

Here's how it works:

  • Optional Search Bar for Your Site - help your readers find their favorite posts from your blog!

    • Look & Feel - if you're using the old "Look & feel" system, you've always had the option to add a search bar, but it now includes an option for your readers to search "this site".
    • Xanga Themes - if you're using Xanga Themes, we've added a new search module option for you! Just click to edit your theme >> then click "Add New Modules" >> and then click the new "search" module.

  • Search Your Own Site - obviously, this feature is handy for finding your own posts too...

    • Everyone can search through at least the last two years of public posts (provided you are included in search results)
    • Premium users can search through a full index of all your posts (from the time you joined), including both public and private posts (of course, only you will have access to the search results linking to your private posts)... and your search results are themed, on a new search page hosted on your own site!

Up next: adding search boxes to your private pages for easier access to search. This little project involves some other enhancements to the private pages, which we'll be writing more about shortly. But in the meantime, please try out the new site-level search options and let us know what you think!

You can search my site here: If you want to try search out without installing search in your theme, just change that url to use your ownusername.

Posted 3/17/2010 at 2:07 PM - 92 eprops - 53 comments

Latest Updates from featuredquestions
Happy St. Patrick's Day! Any special plans for the day? How do you like to celebrate the day?
submitted by featuredquestions
view answers - answer it!
Posted 3/17/2010 at 1:04 PM

Latest Updates from featuredweblogs
How do you want to...die?
I was taking the bus home with some acquaintances and the subject of death came up. Someone said that she wanted to die in a car accident, and I told her I wanted to die of old age, if not, then of a long, terminal illness. Another guy then proceeded to ask me, "You want to live to very old? " And I told him, I want to live for as long as I can. Then he said, "You're going to be all brittle. I don't want to live until I'm old. I don't want to be 60. Maybe I'll want to die around 50"

That was actually quite a shocking response to me. More Here...
Posted 3/17/2010 at 12:15 AM - add eprops - add comments

I Have Caligynephobia: Fear of Beautiful Women
One of the explanations I can give on my philosophy of never dating the "model" girl really comes down to this: I believe I am caligynephobic. As the title would explain, while gynephobic is the fear of women, caligynephobia is the fear of beautiful women. Surely, to you, this might seem like a silly situation, but I wouldn't really be hasty. More Here...
Posted 3/17/2010 at 12:30 AM - add eprops - add comments

Site-Level Search is Here!
Now you can search within specific blogs on Xanga!

I just used it to find a reaaaaally old post from my own site - these were serious times

Here's how it works: More Here...
Posted 3/17/2010 at 11:58 PM - add eprops - add comments

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