Monday, March 15

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Date: Sunday, March 14, 2010
Username: ira27snider

Latest Updates from featuredquestions
What's your idea of a dream vacation?
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Posted 3/14/2010 at 8:04 PM

Latest Updates from featuredweblogs
When Are You Too Old To Sponge Off Of Mom & Dad?

I have to admit, grown adults sponging off their parents really gets under my skin. To me, it doesn't matter whether the "adult" is just lazy and won't get a job or if their successful and employed but are just used to Mom and Dad paying. In the first instance, the lazy son or daughter needs to get up off their butts and grow up. In the second instant, it's a sign the person also needs to do some growing up.

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Posted 3/14/2010 at 12:28 AM - add eprops - add comments

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