Saturday, February 27

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Date: Friday, February 26, 2010
Username: ira27snider

Latest Updates from featuredquestions
Do you still watch cartoons? Which ones do you enjoy?
submitted by mr_faust
view answers - answer it!
Posted 2/26/2010 at 7:04 PM

Latest Updates from featuredweblogs
Ladies, Never Ask Your Ex To 'Stay Friends'
Many of us have been there before, that bittersweet moment at the end of a relationship where you know it's over and there's basically nothing that can be done to save it. So you mentally prepare yourself to part ways for good, to return to the single life, dust yourself off and go back out on the prowl. 

And then she says, "But we'll still be friends.", and some of that sudden separation anxiety goes away. You start thinking that in some way or another, you'll still be a significant part of each other's lives, only you won't really. In fact, they might be the most hollow words anyone can ever speak. More Here...
Posted 2/26/2010 at 12:29 AM - add eprops - add comments

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